8-Week Sessions

Benefits of 8-week classes:
- Focus on less material at once
- Complete more classes in less time
- Finish a class in 8-weeks instead of 16
- Learn throughout the year
- Keep your momentum
Studies show that students are more successful when they can focus on fewer subjects at a time.
This format also affords students the opportunity to learn year-round. We will have more course entry dates to fit the needs of your schedule, so you won’t have to wait until the next traditional semester to get back on track.
Registration is NOW OPEN.
Frequently Asked Questions.
Not only do we have 8-week sessions on the horizon, but students can also qualify for the NEW MJ Foster Promise Program. This program is available to adults 21 and over. This program is a new $10.5 million annual state fund that will provide financial support for students to earn credentials that align to high-demand jobs in these growing industry sectors. This includes students pursuing associates degrees, a technical certificate, or HiSET/high school equivalency (WorkreadyU). These funds are available on a FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED basis – so get your FAFSA filled out and register for fall.
For more information on the M.J. Foster Promise Program, visit www.lctcs.edu/promise.
Important links-
Questions? Email enrollment@fletcher.edu